
A blog about using Novell Zenworks to make a system administrator's life easier.

A collection of things I've found on usenet or figured out myself.


No Apps for you! Stop users from installing apps

[...] To restrict users from installing software on one computer, you need
to change permissions for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE Registry key.
Run regedt32, select the SOFTWARE key, select Permissions from the Security
drop-down menu, and select the users you want to set permissions for.
the default Special Access permissions for the Everyone group let users
perform all Registry functions except creating a link to another key,
changing the key's permissions (which the Write Discretionary Access
ControlĀ­DACĀ­check box controls), and changing the key's ownership. To
prevent users in the Everyone group from installing new software without
preventing them from using the software that the SOFTWARE key lists, you
need to remove their Set Value and Create Subkey permissions.

Change the Everyone group's permissions from Special Access to Read. Then,
users in the group will have only Query Value, Enumerate Subkeys, Notify,
and Read Control permissions. [...]

And now, the first actual entry.

Changing the window name of the NAL

TID 10019242 reads:

/c= will change the title of the Application Launcher window's title bar. You can also use macros to pull NDS information. For example, NAL /c="ACME Applications for %CN%", will display "ACME Applications for Admin" when user Admin logs in (instead of the default of "Novell-delivered Applications for .Admin.Novell").